today normally i will wake up at 11 sumting eh. but dno wats wrong with me . i 8 like that wake up already. haha. ^^. wanted to msg YOU but i am afraid u are still sleepin. then i on9 ... around 9.40 like that we wake up le. msg msg msg. then he on9. we chat. then he say he wanna make breakfast then bath then bla bla bla. so then i off9 i go watch tv. waited for him. after he bath he msg me. then he say he wanna do breakfast le. so i waited for him. guess wat he make by using an hour. so long le... ^^
nice ma the breakfast he make??? so cute . ^^
this is his milo shake ^^ using mcd eh cup ^^
you all will be wondering how come i can get all this picture right??? haha. dun wan tell . blekz. then he eat his breakfast using LIFE brand eh ketchup ^^. haha . i guess he enjoy his breakfast. next time cook for me oh ^^. okay??? then i eat my lunch. then after awhile i feel sleepy. so i tell him i wanted to sleep. then he also sleep. then around 2 sumthing like that see his msg. then reply him. but i still blur blur. zzz then ask him msg me after his hair cut. manatau around 4 like that. near my house i hear someone shouting. i ma stand on my bed and look outside lo. i tink his dog run out of the house. the owner chasing the dog. damn funnie. then i cnt sleep le. ^^. then 5 sumthing i had my dinner. KFC ^^. yummy. i ate 1 piece. another 2 give mummy. eat 1 nia but full like dno wat. ^^ then now on9 chatting with him. i miss you badly too ^^. this is my response. blekz. wanted to follow daddy to his dinner at hard rock hotel. but he say 1 person100++ . he say bo tat. so ma didn't go lo. so sad nia. T.T nvm le. stay at home on9 and do some revision also good. i guess i will stop here.
miss you . miss you . miss you . miss you . miss you . miss you . miss you . miss you
miss you . miss you . miss you . miss you . miss you . miss you . miss you
miss you . miss you . miss you . miss you . miss you . miss you
miss you . miss you . miss you . miss you . miss you
miss you . miss you . miss you . miss you
miss you . miss you . miss you
miss you . miss you
miss you
miss you . miss you . miss you . miss you . miss you . miss you . miss you
miss you . miss you . miss you . miss you . miss you . miss you
miss you . miss you . miss you . miss you . miss you
miss you . miss you . miss you . miss you
miss you . miss you . miss you
miss you . miss you
miss you