Thursday, December 17, 2009

boring XD

yesterday i enjoy going out with my dear. haha. today around 8+ wake up already. saw a few msg in my inbox. i don't understand what dear mean with that sentence. so asked dear but dear not so early wake up de. so i went and online. then around 9 i went to bed and oink oink. ^@^ hehe. then around 10 like that i think dear wake up then reply me. i also dont know why so chun that time open eye and see my hp. then reply dear. sorry ya. misunderstand what dear say in that msg. think too much. silly me XD then online. whole morning till around 1 somthing web cam with dear. haha. damn crazy le. web cam till dear eh cousin come then he go bath. then i off lap top. then lie on the bed. then i fall asleep. tired le. then dear phone come say he going out with cousin watch movie. i was like... urh... okay okay. very blur le. sorry ^^ then sleep until 4+ then msg dear. he busy so didn't disturb him. then online and watch tv. my facebook notifications today cant stop popping up. in 1 day get 100++ mails. haha. ho liao. then prepare go tuition. i today dunno why suddenly feel like cutting my nails. so i cut shorter but not very short. maybe will polish when i am free. then went to tuition. thanks to adriam teo la. go KL leave me alone at tutition. all guys except me. i am the only girl in the house. but okay la. today never learn. only got 3 person + teacher. so we watch maiden's vow. watch before le. but never mind follow them watch. while watching i was smsing with dear. hmm. he was kinda busy. and finally he say he is busy. so don't want disturb him. let him go busy. XD then now back at home. don't know why this few days no 'wei kou' 4 something only eat lunch. and just only had my dinner. ate a little. ^^ today very boring le. and i heard dear say he going genting tomorrow. will be even bored. argh. XD nevermind nevermind. be patient. right dear??? and i am waiting to see how swett will you be. wakakaka. now doing nothing. waiting for his msg patiently. haha. see how long can i wait ba. wakakaka. swt le == very boring. what to do now ??? wan to play viwawa but feel very boring also. guess going to polish nails le. see you guys. bye my lovely blog. muack. i say before the more hope you put on something the more disapointment you will get. right??? until now i am still believing that phrase. never put too much hope on something because we are living in a real world. not fantasy land XD

will be waiting for you.

~signing off~

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